giorno 1 :
CassisWelcome around 6 pm at your hotel in Cassis. Installation for 3 nights. Your guide will meet you directly at the hotel for the presentation of the program. Dinner in a restaurant in the village. Accommodation: hotel**. Meals included: dinner. Meals not included: breakfast - lunch.
giorno 2 :
Cassis - The Ciotat - Cassis - New Year's EveTransfer by bus to the Ciotat, its traditional harbour and its colourful rock massifs with extravagant shapes. Stroll in the Muguel Park then climb to the semaphore of the Eagle Beak (3160 m) and the summit of the Soubeyrannes cliffs. Spectacular stage of crests overlooking the sea that we follow up to Cassis: passage on the highest sea cliffs of Europe, the Canaille Cape (363 m), before descending to the ravishing Anse of the Arène. Magnificent and spectacular views of the Bay of Cassis and the Creeks massif. New Year’s Eve at the restaurant in Cassis. Walking time: about 5 hours. Positive drop: + 600 m. Negative drop: - 600 m. Accommodation: hotel**. Meals included: breakfast - lunch - dinner.
giorno 3 :
Cassis - Marseille Creeks - CassisShort transfer by bus or private car to the starting point of the hike. Magnificent loop in the heart of the Creeks massif in a wild and preserved nature. Magnificent views of the bay of Marseille and the protected archipelago of Riou. Amazing views of the Creeks of Sormiou, Morgiou and Sugiton. Walking time: about 5 hours. Positive drop: + 650 m. Negative drop: - 650 m. Accommodation: hotel**. Meals included: breakfast - lunch - dinner.
giorno 4 :
Cassis - En Vau and Port Pin Creeks - End of stayDeparture on foot from Cassis and crossing the plateau of Fontasse at the level of the Creek of En Vau. Return by the seaside and the magnificent Creeks of Port Pin and Port Miou, long creeks lined with cliffs full of history. End of stay around 4 pm in Cassis. Walking time: about 4 hours. Positive drop: + 400 m. Negative drop: - 400 m. Meals included: breakfast - lunch. Meals not included: dinner.
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