Germany, land of culture and innovation

Explore Germany, a jewel in the heart of Europe.

Discover the harmony between tradition and modernity in Germany.

Germany: between fascinating history and vibrant modernity

The German city: Germany has developed an urban concept significantly different from that of its neighbors across the Rhine. Green, airy, the German city offers a comfortable living environment suitable for work as well as rest and relaxation. It is equipped with numerous green spaces, creative playgrounds, spacious and well-designed buildings. Germans invest in their cities to make them as pleasant as possible. For 20 years, the conversion of old industrial spaces into leisure and cultural sites has been a perfectly successful operation. Each city displays its own individuality, preserving its traditions while always offering an excellent quality of stay.

A country with a thousand cultural and natural facets

Germany is a country of contrasts, rich in traditions and eager for new developments. With beautiful and lively cities as well as varied landscapes, you can find both the sea and the mountains there. Its tourist infrastructure offers establishments with excellent value for money. Germany's communist heritage blends with a classical and avant-garde culture in many areas of contemporary art. Since its victory at the 2006 World Cup, Germany has enjoyed a new international aura. This hospitable country is full of tourist sites worth visiting. You can discover a small chapel at the foot of a hill or Belle Époque alleys in a town off the beaten path. Germany captivates with its charm and holds many surprises for visitors. It is well worth the trip.

Journey to the Heart of a Living and Vibrant Heritage

From Roman ruins to contemporary architecture, including Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and especially Baroque and Jugendstil (Art Nouveau), Germany is a country particularly rich in heritage. Castles, civil buildings, churches, monasteries, train stations, shopping arcades, and monuments are scattered throughout the country, bearing witness to its cultural and prosperous past. Despite the heavy losses of World War II, the country has managed to rehabilitate (or even rebuild) a significant portion of what was erected by centuries of aristocratic and bourgeois cultures. More recently, modern contributions are far from negligible. Berlin is a "test zone" of unique architecture in Europe. Beyond classic conventions, one can be charmed by an Essen very much 1950-2010, an ultra-contemporary Hafen City in Hamburg or a Stalinist ensemble in Eisenhüttenstadt.

A Green and Well-Developed Country

31% of Germany's territory is covered by forests. From the large northern expanses of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, and Lower Saxony to the Harz, the Ore Mountains, the Eifel, and the Black Forest, from Saxon Switzerland to the Franconian Mountains and the Thuringian Forest, the forest is a key element of both the landscape and culture in Germany. Germany is a green country in its natural spaces—mountains, hills, or plains—but also in its urban areas where woods and parks always play an important role. Germans love nature that is comfortable and well-organized; thus, forests are not only well-maintained but also equipped with amenities that may surprise: benches, trash bins, public maps, explanations about the ecosystem... Not only is greenery present, but it is also easily accessible, equipped, and often explained.

Regionalism in Germany

Germans often emphasize the autonomy of regions and their differences. They are not wrong because, from dialects to behavior codes, gastronomy, architecture, and football, German regions are quite distinct. In some countries, regional differences have been largely diminished. In Germany, history and the federal system mean they persist. A Bavarian will automatically distinguish themselves from a Lower Saxon or a Hamburger and will often be proud of it. Cities like to highlight their local peculiarities. People love to imitate accents, boast about local sausage types, or the way of greeting. Between a cold, rigorous, and discreet north and a laid-back, loud, and paternalistic south, according to the cliché, there are indeed differences. And there are the "Wessis" from the West and the "Ossis" from the East, another notable difference.

The Must-See Museums in Germany

Germany offers a rich cultural diversity, and its museums are a brilliant testament to this. Whether they are art, history, or science museums, they are often very well designed and modernized. Post-modern approaches now structure the majority of exhibitions. Whether you are in Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Frankfurt, Cologne, or elsewhere, you will find interesting and well-documented museums. In the absence of English labeling, audio guides are available. Admission prices remain affordable. These museums adopt an educational approach, similar to Anglo-Saxon museums. Rather than overwhelming the visitor with knowledge, they cater to novices. Interactive exhibitions allow for direct public involvement. Children are not forgotten: the exhibitions are accessible to them in a playful and experimental way. These excellent museums are absolutely worth a visit.

A Contemporary Coffee Culture in Germany

Beyond the traditional taverns and inns that have populated the country for centuries, German metropolises today compete with modern, trendy, comfortable, and attractive establishments: bars, cafes, tea rooms, clubs, and restaurants, all resolutely contemporary. Germans love to go out and transform their cities according to their aspirations. Driven by the "Moving Berlin," cities like Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Cologne, Dresden, Bremen, and even Munich are creating nightlife spaces that match the current urban imagination. The "coffee-concept," originating from the alternative Berlin of the 1980s, has led to establishments with vague yet unique genres, welcoming and focused on quality of life. These places invest in old or unusual buildings and in Art Nouveau districts, typically "bobo" or alternative. Discovering this endless creativity in all these establishments is a real pleasure. Whether it's a tea room, a restaurant, a pastry shop, or a cafe, people visit them out of curiosity to enjoy the design!

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