A journey through culture, history, and breathtaking landscapes.
Mali: an unforgettable adventure awaits you
Mali has been and will continue to be for many people the bearer of what is called the "Africa Virus." The tourist, touched by the magic of Mali, comes and returns here because the country is not touristy. In writing this guide, it was necessary to be careful not to get lost in sentimental considerations. It is indeed easy to fall in love with this country.
A Journey to the Heart of African Authenticity
Embark on an unforgettable adventure by discovering a country where ancestral traditions meet modernity. Mali will amaze you with its rich landscapes, ranging from the Sahara dunes to the majestic cliffs of Bandiagara. Be enchanted by the mystical atmosphere of Timbuktu, the ancient city of scholars, and explore Djenné with its famous mud mosque. Meet the Dogons, masters of craftsmanship and guardians of a fascinating culture. Beyond the historical sites, a warm people will welcome you with sincere smiles and a keen sense of hospitality. Participate in vibrant festivals where music and dance merge in a celebration of life. Taste local culinary delights, from jollof rice to spicy peanut-based dishes. This journey to Mali is an invitation to explore with your senses a land rich in stories and emotions, where every encounter is a lesson in life."
Discover the Legendary Hospitality
The Malians are a diverse and open people. Some of their customs, such as "cousinage," persist despite the new rationality imposed by Western modernity. Cousinage is a kind of ancestral and mythical code defining the relationships between two ethnic groups. It is an essential cultural aspect that continues to play an important role in Malian society today.
A Journey to the Heart of African Authenticity
Mali is a country relatively untouched by Westernization, authentically African, even in its capital, Bamako. Traditional social organization endures alongside a relative modernity. The tourism it hosts is not mass tourism. Although it does alter the landscape, it is incomparable to other countries. Here, there are no vacation clubs or giant tour operators.
An Authentic Railway Experience
The peanut train, also known as the "little train" or "TGV" (Train with Great Vibration), connects Bamako to the Kayes region. It takes about fourteen hours to cover the 600 km between the two cities, in a rather folkloric atmosphere. This train stops at all stations and carries everything that villagers want to load onto it: gourds of milk, sheep, goats, charcoal, tomatoes...
The Cradle of Great African Empires
Mali is the cradle of great empires and civilizations that flourished in Africa, as evidenced by the exceptional historical sites of Djenné, Timbuktu, and Gao. It is also a land of encounters with the Tuareg, Moors, Fulani, Bambara, Minianka, Sarakolé, Dogon, Bobo, Songhai, Malinké, Bozo, and Somono. All these ethnic groups retain in memory the vicissitudes of history. The words of the elders are sacred there.
Renowned Craftsmanship
The diversity and quality of Malian products in this field have earned them a worldwide reputation. Peul weavers in the Mopti region create wool or cotton blankets, leather hats worn by shepherds, and jewelry. Blacksmiths work with gold, silver, copper, as well as stone to make magnificent adornments and charms. You will also find beautiful jewelry such as necklaces, rings, and Agades crosses crafted by the Tuareg, along with various sculptures and masks from the Dogon and Senufo countries. Mali is also the West African country that produces the most beautiful bogolans, cotton fabrics dyed using a traditional technique based on natural elements: leaves, flowers, and bark.
Photogenic Landscapes in Mali
Desert of sand or stone in the North, Sahelian savannas, fertile plains of the Niger inland delta, Bandiagara escarpment with the Niger River as a backdrop, the second largest river in Africa. These are all landscapes associated with different ways of life of fascinating and original peoples. These diverse environments illustrate the cultural richness and geographical diversity of the region, offering a unique blend of traditions and fascinating histories. Each place is an invitation to discover ancestral customs and unique practices that have adapted to the challenges imposed by nature.
The Malian Atmosphere
In the street, among merchants and in the local eateries, the atmosphere is everywhere. Smiles and conversations intersect everywhere and at all times. The expression "à la malienne" is on everyone's lips. It means that, whatever happens, life goes on peacefully. So, let's enjoy it together and in good spirits.