Burma off-season

Trip description

Discover the most beautiful places of Burma in an authentic and intimate atmosphere, in the height of the summer season, neglected by most travelers.

Discover the agency :
Shanti Travel SAS

10 days

From : 1.090 €*

Day 1: Arrival in Burma

Day 2: Mandalay and the ancient royal Capitals

Day 3: From Mandalay to Bagan

Day 4: Bagan by electric bike

Day 5: Bagan, traditional city

Day 6: From Bagan to Inle Lake

Day 7: Lac Inle, lieu de vie birman

Day 8: Inle Lake and local crafts

Day 9: From Inle Lake to Yangon

Day 10: Goodbye Burma

Day 1 : Arrival in Burma

©Gail Palethorpe - Shutterstock.com

Welcome To Mandalay ! Your driver greets you at Mandalay airport and takes you to your hotel where you settle quietly. Then, you begin to walk the streets of the city in search of its mythical pagodas before admiring the sunset at the top of Mandalay Hill.

Day 2 : Mandalay and the ancient royal Capitals

©Tummasan Weeraphuchong - shutterstock.com

After breakfast you head to Amarapura, the ancient royal capital of Burma and visit a factory of longyi, a traditional local garment. Then to Ava, or Inwa, which was also the capital of the kingdom. In the afternoon you visit Sagaing, a religious and monastic center of Buddhism, before crossing the picturesque U Bein Bridge.

Day 3 : From Mandalay to Bagan

©Avigator Fortuner - Shutterstock.com

From Mandalay airport, you reach Bagan, one of the most beautiful sights in Asia. You discover the temple of Dhammazedi which overlooks the plain and the thousands of temples and pagodas that make up the Kingdom of Bagan. You visit Shwezigon and Sulamani temples and end the day at Ananda temple.

Day 4 : Bagan by electric bike

©Alamer - Iconotec

This day promises to be magical : by e-bike, you stroll through the temples and pagodas of Bagan, through dirt roads and sand paths. You have fun exploring the site, looking for the hidden buildings that only a few locals know the names of.

Day 5 : Bagan, traditional city

©Alamer - Iconotec

This morning, head to Nyaung Oo market to smell the flavors of orients and stroll through the colorful aisles among exotic fruits and vegetables. You then visit the manuha temple and can experience the art of lacquer, renowned in the area. At the end of the day you sail the Irrawaddy River for the sunset.

Day 6 : From Bagan to Inle Lake

©Alamer - Iconotec

Today you take a domestic flight that takes you to Heho, and from there you leave with your driver to the huge lake Inle, a must-see place of life in Burma. You can already visit Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda before heading to the picturesque Lake village of Nampan, known for its Burmese cigars.

Day 7 : Lac Inle, lieu de vie birman

©Alamer - Iconotec

After breakfast you dive into the heart of the Inle Lake market and then you are welcomed by a Burmese family for lunch. You help to prepare the lunch then you share beautiful moments together as for example an introduction to traditional Intha fishing, practiced by the locals.

Day 8 : Inle Lake and local crafts

©Alamer - Iconotec

This morning, you visit the rustic nga HPE Chaung monastery, a surprising teak and taule building that houses a magnificent collection of Buddha statues. Then you go to discover the local crafts, which makes the inhabitants of Lake Inle live: silk weaving, jewelry carving, Goldsmith...

Day 9 : From Inle Lake to Yangon

©Author's Image

In the morning you reach Heho airport for a domestic flight to Yangon. You then discover the Burmese capital, cultural center of the country, aboard its mythical circular train, then around the Sule Pagoda and finally at the foot of the giant Shwedagon Pagoda that overlooks the city.

Day 10 : Goodbye Burma

©Author's Image

The Awakening is not hard this morning, because you know that you are spending your last moments on Burmese soil. Stroll through the streets of Yangon looking for souvenirs to take away, before packing your bags. Your driver takes you back to Yangon airport and you say goodbye to Burma. Welcome back !

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